Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Programa de Conectividad Asequible

¿Qué es el Programa de Conectividad Asequible? 
Optimum ​​​​​se enorgullece de participar en el Programa de Conectividad Asequible (ACP) del gobierno federal, un programa de $14 mil millones a más largo plazo que reemplazó al programa Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB). This program helps eligible low-income households that qualify based on Federal Government rules pay for Internet or Mobile service. Ayudará a garantizar que los estadounidenses puedan pagar las conexiones que necesitan para el trabajo, la escuela, la atención médica y más.

IMPORTANTE: el Programa de Conectividad Asequible ya no acepta nuevas solicitudes e inscripciones a partir del 7 de febrero de 2024. Debido a la falta de fondos adicionales del Congreso, el último mes totalmente financiado para el beneficio del ACP es abril 2024. As a result, customers currently enrolled in the program will receive the full benefit on their April 2024 bill and may receive a partial benefit on their May 2024 bill. Si bien el gobierno federal ya no acepta nuevas inscripciones al ACP, puede transferir fácilmente un beneficio existente de otro proveedor a Optimum mientras el ACP tenga fondos.

How do I transfer my Affordable Connectivity benefit from another service provider to Optimum Internet or Optimum Mobile? 
If you're receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program credit with another service provider, you may ask us to transfer your benefit to Optimum Internet or Mobile, which means you'll lose the benefit with your current provider once you're enrolled with Optimum. Un hogar puede recibir un solo crédito del Programa de Conectividad Asequible a la vez. When you fill out your enrollment application with us, please be sure you answer "Yes" when you are asked "Are you currently receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program credit from another service provider for this address?"

How do I transfer my Affordable Connectivity Program benefit from my Optimum Mobile service to my Optimum Internet service? 
If you're currently receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program benefit on your Optimum Mobile service and would like to transfer it to your Optimum Internet service, you may ask us to transfer your benefit. Visítenos en to transfer your benefit, and be sure to answer "Yes" when you are asked "Is anyone in your household currently receiving a credit for broadband service from Optimum Mobile?"

When will I see the Affordable Connectivity Program benefit applied to my Optimum Internet or Mobile account if I was approved for the transfer? 
If you have received an email from us approving the transfer of your Affordable Connectivity Benefit to Optimum, you can expect to see the monthly credit within the next two bills, as long as the ACP has funding. Note that due to the lack of additional funding from Congress, the last fully funded month for the ACP benefit is April 2024. Customers may receive a partial benefit on their May 2024 bill.

How long will it take to find out if my Optimum Affordable Connectivity Program transfer has been approved? 
It may take us up to 5 business days to review and process your transfer. Le notificaremos nuestra decisión en la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada en un plazo de 5 días hábiles. If approved, you'll see your credit within the next two bills.

What should I do if I haven’t received an email from Optimum about my transfer eligibility? 
It may take us up to 5 business days after we receive your transfer application to process it and notify you. Si han pasado más de 6 días hábiles desde que presentó la solicitud, pero no ha recibido un correo electrónico de estado de inscripción, revise su carpeta de correo no deseado o correo basura para encontrar nuestro mensaje. If you haven't received an eligibility email, call us at 866.670.0855.

Can I re-apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program with Optimum if my transfer application was not approved? 
Yes, if you believe you're eligible to transfer your affordable connectivity benefit to Optimum, please re-apply.

Recibí un correo electrónico que decía que la información de mi hogar ya está vinculada a otro participante en el programa. ¿Qué debo hacer?
Si usted o alguien en su hogar recibe un crédito del Programa de Conectividad Asequible con otro proveedor de servicios, puede solicitarnos que transfiramos su beneficio a Optimum, lo que significa que perderá el beneficio con su proveedor actual una vez que se inscriba en Optimum. Un hogar puede recibir un solo crédito del Programa de Conectividad Asequible a la vez.

To transfer your benefit to us, please re-apply at When you fill out your enrollment form with us, please be sure you answer "Yes" when you are asked "Are you currently receiving an Affordable Connectivity Program credit from another service provider for this address?"

Quiero cambiar mi nivel de servicios de Internet. ¿Seguiré recibiendo el crédito del Programa de Conectividad Asequible? 
Puede cambiar su servicio de Internet a cualquier nivel y conservar el crédito de hasta $30/mes (hasta $75/mes para hogares en tierras tribales).

Recibí un mensaje que indica que mi número de cuenta es incorrecto. ¿Qué debo hacer?
When entering your account number on your Optimum form, you’ll need to type the first 13 digits (without dashes) that appear on your bill or order confirmation email.

NOTA: asegúrese de ingresar ÚNICAMENTE los primeros 13 dígitos sin guiones ni dígitos adicionales.

¿Quién desarrolló los criterios de elegibilidad para el Programa de Conectividad Asequible? 
Congress created the Affordable Connectivity Program, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted the rules and policies governing how the program operates. The Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau, other Commission staff, and the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) oversee and administer the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Can I choose to no longer receive the Affordable Connectivity Program credit?:
Lamentaremos escucharlo, pero si ya no desea participar en el Programa de Conectividad Asequible con Optimum, o si necesita informarnos que ya no califica, le facilitaremos las cosas. Simplemente envíe un correo electrónico a y díganos el motivo por el que abandona el programa e incluya la siguiente información tal y como aparece en su factura:

  1. Número de cuenta
  2. Nombre y apellido
  3. Dirección del servicio

Once I'm enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program with Optimum Internet or Mobile do I have to do anything to keep my credit? 
Yes, Federal Government rules require you to remain eligible to receive the affordable connectivity benefit. Si ya no califica, se cancelará su inscripción. Additionally, subscribers that receive their service for free after the Affordable Connectivity Program benefit is applied must use their service at least once every 30 days to maintain their benefit. Los suscriptores que no utilicen su servicio al menos una vez en un período de 30 días corren el riesgo de perder su inscripción en el Programa de Conectividad Asequible.

Can I transfer my Affordable Connectivity Program benefit to another person or household? 
El Programa de Conectividad Asequible está limitado a uno por hogar y no es transferible a otro hogar u otra persona, incluso si califican.

¿Qué sucede después de la finalización del Programa de Conectividad Asequible? 
Per Federal Government rules, the monthly credit will continue for qualified households until the federal funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program is depleted; the FCC has announced that the last fully funded month will be April 2024. Optimum customers may receive a partial benefit on their May 2024 bill. Al finalizar el programa, su factura continuará reflejando los servicios y los precios de esa fecha, sin el crédito del Programa de Conectividad Asequible. This means that you'll be charged the regular, undiscounted, rate for the services you selected until canceled, and you'll be subject to our regular terms and conditions. If you're having trouble paying your bill, please call us at 866.670.0855 any time to review available options to lower your bill.

¿Qué sucede si tengo problemas para obtener mi beneficio de Affordable Connectivity?
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud acerca de su beneficio de Affordable Connectivity, llámenos de inmediato para que podamos resolver su inquietud.

  • Customers in NY, NJ, CT, PA, Hendersonville, NC, and West Jefferson, NC, please call 866.347.4216
  • Customers in all other areas, please call 877.838.2403

If you have any questions or concerns about your affordable connectivity benefit, please call us immediately at 866.347.4216 so we can resolve your concern. Si tiene un reclamo no resuelto sobre el ACP, tiene derecho a presentar una queja ante el Consumer Complaint Center (Centro de Quejas del Consimidor) de la FCC en or by calling 888.CALL.FCC (888.225.5322).

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